Saturday, July 21, 2007

Adsense is here

Ok I am still trying to figure out the best places to put ads, so I may tweak them a bit, but the ads are here! Now I have to only hope that the random ads generator links more masculine ads than ellie's. If I see a wedding ring ad I will freek out, but now that I have mentioned that I am sure that it will come up. Let me put in some more key words like football, poker, and sports cars, to offset the girlly words that sometimes come up accidentally in my blog.
In other news we decided to skip Sully's wedding ceremony and plan to show up just for the party. I think the 5 hours between the church and the party had a lot to do with this decision, and I did have cells to feed here at work.
Now that adsense is online the next mission is to get a stat tracker set up!


CherkyB said...

AdSense may be here, but they're running hurricane relief. When was the last time there was a hurricane?

ellie said...

Pink shoes. Nail polish. Pedicure. Spa day. Pantyhose. Poodle.